Mineração Vale Verde practices Environmental Education with communities near the Serrote Project, thus contributing to the formation of citizens aware of the importance of preserving existing natural resources.

In 2009, the MVV Environmental Education Center (CEA) was created, located at Fazenda Uruçu, five kilometers from the Project’s administrative office. The farm was purchased from a family of farmers who raised dairy cattle. By purchasing the property, Mineração Vale Verde kept the architecture of the facilities in original format, making minor adaptations to receive its target audience. The CEA is located within the legal reserve of the enterprise, which allows greater interaction for studies and observation of the biome, as well as enabling the collection of seeds for the production of native seedlings.

Through lectures at its headquarters and in the region’s schools on the Caatinga phytophysiognomy and other environmental issues, we benefited about 5,000 people in 2019, including teachers and students from schools in the project’s Influence area, local universities and employees of the region. venture. Our legal reserve houses a three kilometer ecological trail where you can enjoy the beauties of the Caatinga and experience an immersive experience in the biome. If you are a representative of an educational institution and are interested in conducting this experiment with us, please send us a message from WhatsApp at (82) 98189-6016 and we will contact you.